How to Turn Off Stress
Aug 23, 2024
I woke up at 3am with stress. How's my son? How am I going to fit it all in? My to do list is growing despite the joy of crossing things off. And there we go ... the mind is off to the races.
I think my body and spirit just didn't have a chance to care for some grief that was interrupted by a busy schedule. By 3:30 am, I was feeling it all, grief for a client, missing my mom, grieving my son, the usual. Ok then, stress is here, I'm here with it, feeling all "the feels"... Let's do this!
That's part of "The How" of Turning Off Stress". Actually, turning off stress is a catchy phrase AND not my real message. Here's my real message:
Stress is the reality of the world we live in. It's not all bad, and if and when it is, it's a definite invitation to take a look at what we're thinking and believing, our priorities, our needs, and to make some adjustments in what we're choosing and doing. We CAN relieve overwhelming stress.
Here are some tips to not turn it off, but to TURN ON CARING FOR THE STRESS when feeling overwhelmed by it:
1. Acknowledge you're feeling stressed out, and feel what you've got to feel. Worry? Rushing too much with too much on your plate? Guilt? Resentment? Grief?
2. Sit down or lie down. Just stop what you're doing and take a pause. Breathe a few deep breaths. Create some time and space to imagine you are sitting in the presence of God (or light or higher power, or beauty, or whatever is bigger than you) and its filling you up with peaceful white light, held safely by Love itself. Let that Love into your heart. Breathe it in fully. Feel it. Your mind will follow.
3. If stress could be of service to you, have a purpose for you, give you a message, what would it say? Example: Slow down sweetheart, you're doing too much, delegate, postpone, say no to that or them so you can say yes to some much needed TLC and rest.
4. Listen to that guidance. It's your inner wisdom showing you a different path. Follow it. And don't worry if you don't. You'll get another chance. It's not like you won't ever experience stress again, unfortunately. Fortunately, you can try this practice again.
I invite you to try these steps on or continue on with your peace practices. THIS is HOW we come back to LOVE. Because when we do, it is LOVE that we are, and that we can then share in the world.
Could that be one of the messages that stress gives us, that stress could be part of the path to Love?
Let's change the world together, one stressful moment at a time that we can transform through the breath, becoming present with it, and the truth that finds us there.
Love wins here!
May Peace be with you and your family.
PS: As we bring our intentions to Healing, to Love and Inner Peace, I invite you to take a look at more inspiration from my heart to yours. You can download these freebies here:
How to Find Peace When You Worry - a guide with 3 powerful ways to be OK when things aren't OK.
Letter from A Child - a message from a child struggling with substance use to a parent on what love can look like.
Love Shows Up Here - a guide to how love can guide you to show up at your best
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